Tuesday, April 8, 2008

"Estoppel" the madness of debt slavery


Just weeks before the 200th Anniversary Celebration of the abolition of slavery being held in Charleston, VA and just as Britain’s Prime minister Tony Blair acknowledges the wrong of slavery and his country involvement (although he offers no official apology). And weeks after the brutal murder of African American Sean Bell who along with friends attending his bachelor party were shot at by police who emptied 51 shots at the unarmed men…it seems that the issue of reparations plays in the background like a melodic soundtrack waiting for the climax of this never ending story. The climax of this story may very well begin with one single woman on the verge of tackling big real-estate giant Combined Ventures L.L.C. which includes International Banking & Finance Dynasty Rothschild a dynasty going back 232 years of German Jewish origin that established operations across Europe, and was ennobled by the Austrian and British governments.

On May 9th 2006, COMBINED VENTURES L.L.C filed suit against FISKE HOUSE APT. CORP., DANNY BROWNE, KAREN V.M. SMITH, et al for allegedly defaulting on a mortgage for a property located in Brooklyn’s posh Park Slope Community. Karen Smith who is the owner of FISKE HOUSE APT CORP and is also named as co-defendant in the case, is the primary representation in the case against her and her corporation. Karen Smith is the landlord of the 8 apartment building and has owned the property for 10 years. About two years ago Ms. Smith decided to cease mortgage payments and in a truly bizarre twist boldly asked that the remainder of the debt be forgiven due to the sins of the plaintiffs forefathers who benefited and profited from the slave industry that occurred in this country for 400 years. Ms. Smith is seeking an Estoppel case (Forgiveness of the debt) in her defense and seriously intends to take this case to the highest court in the land if need be.

Ms. Smith states in her recent briefing: “I will further prove that one of the owners of Combined Ventures L.L.C. in particular benefited greatly for his fore-fathers involvement in slavery (Mr. Ray Rothschild) …. The Cotton my fore-parents picked that created the wealth of America, which also created the New York and London Cotton Exchange (currently the New York and London Stock Exchange respectfully) which, invariably, created every single paper US dollar bill. The fact that every dollar bill is made of at least %75 percent cotton is, in and of itself, the tangible connection for their forgiveness.

The slave trade devoured, engulfed and ravaged hundred’s of millions of African descendants globally. My building is worth over 3 million dollars. It is both where I live and work. I have put this all on the line for just one of my ancestors. However, given the mass amount of wealth these plaintiff’s have enjoyed at my forefathers expense, I didn’t think asking them to forgive $170,000.00 was much of a request.”

For her efforts her case has been dubbed frivolous by the plaintiff’s attorney Mr. Lefkowitz, who seeks to recover Combined Ventures LLC mortgage owned on the property without any serious consideration for Ms. Smith’s claim.

Ms. Smith further states, “It goes to reason that if the Jewish man (which the plaintiff is) can go into Palestine and demand land based on Heritage rights of 1000 years ago, then an African Descendant (of which I am) can ask for forgiveness of any debt for the free labor my ancestors provided. I will also do it based on proof of the gross indifference, in-humane and tortuous conditions (as well as usury) practice that slavery was.”

What is it truly that Ms. Smith hopes to gain from all of this? She simply wants for this family to acknowledge their role in one of the greatest tragedies in modern history and give back some of what they have been able to amass as a result. Then further start serious discussions and healing over the issue of slavery in this country and the world. It is well documented that the Trans-Atlantic slave trade industry (which included the import export of human beings, cocoa, sugar, tobacco) is responsible for the great wealth of the western world. It was an industry where a group of people were forced to submit to free labor. And, just as decedents of the Rothschilds, JP Morgan Chase, The Hiltons and countless others inherit the riches of their families dynasty, isn’t it just as clear that decedents of slaves in this country are eternally connected to their ancestors and thus seek to rectify the wrongs of their families history and any money owed to them. It is a just and noble cause for the free labor that built this country and the countless others that were
built on it.

“The conversation is not about complaining about the past but simply righting the wrongs of the past”, says Ms. Smith.."There is no statue of limitation in natural law for correcting an injustice done 4 days ago or 400 years hence. The fact is, without correction there will always be continued disturbance. So, after slavery, we have a nation suffering from negrophobia. Which in turn stems systematic racial hatred, hatred creates self-hatred, self-hate be-gets self-destruction. Our neighborhoods and our nation is witnessing the product of these ripple effects. I have chosen to ask for forgiveness from a group of men who can afford to give it. I, in turn, have forgiven their forefathers. This action created a catharsis {a healing affected by bringing to light the source of the pain}. Predatory lending [is prevalent in my race -- bringing forth the highest foreclosures],Police brutality [stemming back to when white men simply lynched black men as a form of justice] , black on black crime [Self hatred, deep seeded pain, and hopelessness], overwhelmingly imprisoned [ A systematic modern day slave force], poor education equal poor people.........My building making it to the auction block is nothing in comparison to my ancestors being placed on the same auction block {naked,scared, humiliated, degraded} and then worked to death. How can we cease the negative affects of slavery if we don't acknowledge it and then stop it? That is why I stopped paying this interest only mortgage of 12%."


James said...

What is it truly that Ms. Smith hopes to gain from all of this? She simply wants for this family to acknowledge their role in one of the greatest tragedies in modern history and give back some of what they have been able to amass as a result.

I don't agree with the effort to force Mr. Rothschild to pay you for the sins of his ancestors (assuming, as you argue, that his ancestors profited from slavery, and that he's personally inherited an amount from slavery equal to at least the value of your remaining mortage debt). For one thing, it's difficult to identify money inherited from slavery profits, and I think that where those limited funds should go is a complicated matter, at best.

But I want to applaud you for the sentiment I've quoted above.

One branch of my family was heavily involved in the U.S. slave trade, many generations ago. We haven't inherited any profits from that trade, but today we're giving back as best we can, by acknowledging that past publicly and by speaking out about the need to address the legacy of slavery and the slave trade.

Unknown said...

Thank you for your thoughts and honesty. It's not that conplicated at all. Usuary continues today. The same usual suspects profit through debt slavery. Mr. Rothschild passed away in 2008 ..I lost everything. But I am writhing about the system as I experienced it after I sue for damages in a Civil Rights Violation case. Peace and love.