My Auction date is April 17th, 2008 3pm @ 360 Adams Street. The title of Auction is Combined Ventures LLC. –vs.-Fiske House Apartment Corp., Karen V.M. Smith …Et al. The Property address is 22 Fiske Place, Park slope, Brooklyn. But this is not just a story of a loan gone bad. It is a story of Forgiveness. A story, I think, America needs to listen to. Why? Because it’s me on the Auction Block, Just like my Fore-Fathers and Mothers before me. What do I mean?
My lenders consist of 3 men, one of whom was my broker, Mr. Dignello,. Mr. Ray Rothschild, Mr. Michael Cibelli, Three White men. My loan was private. It called for 12% interest only, ($1700.00mthly) and a total payoff in one year of $170,000.00. Predatory? Maybe. Harsh terms? Possibly. Why did I take it? I needed the money.
The short of it. My building is an eight unit Co-op. Worth over 2.8mil. After 911, people moved out, I needed to renovate to move in new tenants. I had a flood, insurance would not pay. I took the loan. I also had one stabilized tenant at ($420.00 who refused to pay her rent) two co-owners in apartment 3R who haven’t paid since getting the closing documents in 2001 And, an underlining mortgage to pay a regular bank. This coupled with taxes, water, heat, and electricity and maybe some groceries for my son took a toll on my ability to pay it all.
Now, what does For-Giveness have to do with these series of unfortunate events that lead to my Auction date?
Well, "Sub-Prime" Lending focused on African-Americans. "Sub-Human" was the term that sold the concept of Slavery to the masses in America. Harder terms, Higher rates, impossible odds with car loans, credit cards, mortgages, job prospects, Our Men, Women and Children locked up in a Justice System that uses them for free labor, an education system that stymies growth and hope, Medical inferiority. Life as a Black Person? Or just Poor People? Or Just People? I think Debt-Slavery is converging on everyone, regardless of race, creed or color.
Back then Slavery was legal. They said it was to Civilize the African. Today, a great majority of us are called Criminals. So, they need to lock us up, in order to Correct us, in Correctional facilities. (They call jail) The masses buy into this because they fear for their lives. In fact, every time a police over-seer (officer) fears for his life. We die. 41 bullets, 50 bullets….. Their fear, kills us, jails us. Does anyone see a pattern here?
Now, it is common knowledge, that one’s environment has a large impact on the success or failures in society. In some instances, America’s environment has been toxic towards the group that built its overwhelming wealth. I speak of cotton pickin' Africans and the fact that the US dollar is made (primarily) of Cotton. The money did grow on trees, we just didn’t get any.
Back to my auction. On July 28th, 2005, I wrote my lenders, requesting them “to forgive the Debt for the Sins of their forefathers.” I sent them $2000.00 as compensation. Legally the term is “Estoppel.” On, May 11th, 2006 they commenced a foreclosure action against me and my business. The Supreme Court at 360 Adams Street did not allow me to try the case (#14449/2006…No triable issues. Justice Theodore Jones) The appellate court up-held the denial (#2007-02721…Failed to raise triable issues… Justices., William F. Mastro, Steven W. Fisher, Mark C. Dillon and William E. McCarthy JJ.)
My Ancestors did not get any Justice or her children any Reparations (as did the Jewish population and the Japanese), so I thought I’d give it a try with these men. I may not save my home, but I am encouraged by the fact, that the Federal Reserve Chairman has asked for the “Principle to be lowered and interest rates from banks” (forgiveness of debt) I am encouraged, not just for myself and my people, but for everyone suffering from this unchecked greed. After all, what is one man doing with a billion dollars, while millions go hungry? And why does Africa owe Europe or America any Debt, when her children already paid the price of Human sacrifice.
I’m having a gathering in front of the Court house on Saturday April 12th 360 Adams, 12:30pm. It will be a mock trail and Auction. I will stand on the Auction Block as my forbearers before me. And I will ask for the forgiveness of this debt one more time. Please join me. Contact ( if you are suffering a fore-closure for some information on how to help yourself. I did all my own legal proceedings and wrote a book about it, entitled “BACK OFF….please” Trust me you can back them off, with a bit of knowledge. Peace and Light Karma
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